Author: lahoussine

Horror games. Gotta love ’em. The chills they send down your spine as you immerse yourself in the horrifying environments they throw at you. Great times. Until they’re not. Until they’re real. Sometimes, a horror game isn’t just a game. Here are 10 horror games that are based on real-life events. Stick around to the last one; it may be the most terrifying of them all. Related: 10 Classic Horror Stories Inspired By True Events 10 Forbidden Siren “First, an earthquake! Then the emergency siren! Then, the world as you knew it quickly evaporates into mayhem and evil. Find yourself…

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Brace yourself for a tour of pixelated wonders as we unveil ten mind-blowing Minecraft creations. From towering temples that defy gravity to intricate city streets that’ll make your head spin, we’ve scoured the blocky landscapes to bring you the best. Get ready to be awestruck, inspired, and maybe a little jealous of these masterpieces crafted by gamers who dare to dream big. Related: 10 Video Game Cut Scenes That Were Better Than the Game Itself 10 Middle-Earth Middle-Earth, where hobbits roam, wizards wander, and adventures await. But did you know that you can visit this iconic realm without leaving your…

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Welcome to the digital playground where innocence meets mischief. We’ve all heard about the wild adventures and heroic quests in video games meant for kids. But we can’t forget about the mischievous side. Here are ten crimes committed on video games meant for kids. Related: Top 10 Hidden Levels in Video Games 10 Cheating/Hacking Cheating and hacking in video games meant for kids? It’s like trying to sneak Brussels sprouts into a candy store—it just doesn’t belong! But even in the whimsical realms of children’s gaming, some can’t resist the allure of bending the rules. Picture little Timmy, innocently navigating…

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Step into a world where reality takes a backseat, and gaming reaches new heights with our top ten immersive VR games. Embark on mind-bending adventures and engage in heart-pounding battles—all from the comfort of your virtual sanctuary. Whether you’re a virtual reality veteran or a newcomer to the pixelated wonders, these games will transport you to a place where the line between real and virtual blurs. Related: 10 Video Game Cut Scenes That Were Better Than the Game Itself 10 Lone Echo Lone Echo catapults players into an awe-inspiring virtual reality adventure that outperforms the boundaries of traditional gaming. This…

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Video games have a magical power to transport us to new worlds, challenge our skills, and keep us glued to the screen for hours. While some games are predictably addictive, some sneak up on you like a ninja. Before you know it, you’ve lost track of time. In this list, we unveil the top ten most surprisingly addictive video games that will make you say, “Just one more level!” and keep you coming back for more. Let’s dive into the pixelated world of gaming addiction! Related: 10 Video Games That Changed How Games Are Played 10 Minecraft: A World of…

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When you’re fully immersed in your favorite video game, the last thing you want is for your gaming experience to take an unexpected turn. A glitch. But not just any glitch, one that makes you want to throw your controller across the room. We’ve all been there, and today, we’re counting down the top ten most frustrating in-game glitches that drive players insane. Related: 10 Gamers Who Got Revenge on a Hacker 10 The Uninstallation Bug: Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor The uninstallation bug in Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor is a glitch that tested gamers’…

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Video games are not just about completing missions, defeating bosses, or leveling up your characters. Sometimes, game developers hide secret surprises and Easter eggs throughout their creations. These hidden gems can range from clever references to other games or movies to unexpected bonus content that adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the gaming experience. Come with us as we explore ten hidden Easter eggs in popular video games you might have missed. Related: Top 10 Insane Video Game Premises 10 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time In the vast world of Hyrule, players can journey to obtain the…

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Villains are created in video games to make it more adventurous and tasking; otherwise, players would not bother to play the game. And when players do not play, video game creators do not make sales, which defeats the whole purpose of creating video games. Villains are usually made to look evil to motivate players to kill them quickly and feel no remorse for doing so. However, there are some villains who do not have this characteristic. These villains are either victims themselves or believe that they are trying to achieve a greater good. These ten villains are game characters that…

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Can you imagine how bad some games would be without non-playable characters (NPCs)? They bring so much to the games, transforming lines of code into fully immersive realities. Often, the NPCs with humor and distinctive personalities rise to the top of our memories, injecting their unique brand of comedy into our epic quests and fast-paced action. Every game has at least one NPC with no business being as funny, witty, or annoying as they are. While there’s room for debate, we’ll cover the characters who’ve etched their names into our brains for better or worse. Here are ten video game…

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Are you tired of hearing about the greatest video games of all time, only to find out they’re not all they’re cracked up to be? Well, you’re not alone. As gamers, we’ve all fallen victim to the hype at one point or another. We’ve shelled out our hard-earned cash, eagerly unwrapped the game, and sat down to play… only to be disappointed by what we found. Let’s look at the top ten most overrated video games as we explore why they didn’t live up to the hype and whether they’re worth playing today. Related: 10 Bizarre Video Games That Actually…

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